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Korwin-Mikke doesn't mind gays. Why do LGBTQ+ people vote for his party? [OPINION]

Korwin-Mikke doesn't mind gays. Why do LGBTQ+ people vote for his party? [OPINION]

Image source: © TikTok, Twitter, Wikipedia
Anna RusakAnna Rusak,05.07.2023 12:00

Can gays vote for political parties such as Prawo i Sprawiedliwość (Law and Justice) and Konfederacja (Confederation)? Bart Staszewski, a well-known activist, asked the question on social media and caused quite a stir. Shockingly enough it is Janusz Korwin-Mikke who answers and suddenly changes his stance on LGBTQ+ people.

Activist Bart Staszewski decided to convince LGBTQ+ people who vote for Konfederacja and PiS to change their minds. Janusz Korwin-Mikke himself responded to the video Staszewski posted on TikTok and Twitter.

From the Nowa Nadzieja (New Hope) politician's statement, it can be concluded that he seems to have changed his mind a bit on the "issue of homosexuals", as he stated that they do not bother him at all. There is just one small catch...

Bart Staszewski on gays voting for PiS and Konfederacja

What exactly did Bart Staszewski ask and explain in his TikTok video? He states, for instance, that they have Stockholm syndrome and warns of the consequences they will face if they vote for these two parties.

"You are a gay, LGBT person and you vote for PiS and Konfederacja? I mean I understand that on one hand you don't want to 'identify' with the community because you don't go to equality marches or parades, you're single, you're hiding etc. and that's your business. But in reality you are not alone! There are people in Poland who would like to have equal rights.

And then there's Grzegorz Braun (from Konfederacja), who says that he wants to put people in jail just because they are of a different sexual orientation, or Duda from PiS, who says LGBT people are not people. And you vote for them because you don't identify with the community even though you're gay. They'll be after you too. Well, sorry man, but there is something wrong with you, this is some kind of Stockholm syndrome," Staszewski says in the recording.

Twitter comments under Staszewski's post were full of replies from "normal gay men" who do not show off their sexuality. Users wondered whether it was possible to be homosexual in Poland without supporting the LGBT community and advised the activist to leave them alone.

"Nice one. Gay activist attacks normal gay people living peacefully in relationships or being single. Nice one, I see that it is no longer possible to be homosexual in Poland without being associated with LGBT community. Leave normal homosexuals alone," - pleads one user.

Janusz Korwin-Mikke admits he has nothing against homosexuals

Janusz Korwin-Mikke, a controversial right-wing politician, has also spoken out on the issue. The founder of Nowa Nadzieja stated in his post that Konfederacja "has nothing against homosexuals". He admits that gays have always existed and have not bothered anyone.

According to Korwin-Mikke, things have changed now because gay people have started to speak up, show themselves and are simply too conspicuous. The politician in his typical disgusted fashion states that he does not like "Western-funded gays" who want to destroy patriarchal society.

"Homos, on the other hand, can't stand a bunch of (yuk!) 'gays', i.e. Western-funded boors whose aim is to 'destroy patriarchal society'. For every action there is a reaction. The homos therefore fear that the demands of the (yuk!) 'gays', like any overreaction, will provoke the typical reaction of the majority, i.e. pogroms etc. And it is not so much the (yuk!) 'gays' who could then be the victims - who will flee to London - but also innocent homosexuals," we can read in (yuk!) politician's entry.

Who can gays vote for?

Janusz Korwin-Mikke's statement can be compared to what Przemyslaw Czarnek said about LGBTQ+ people in May. The Minister of Education claimed that "everyone can live as they wish" and that he himself has gay friends, but does not talk to them about the issue. According to him, no one should be interested in what we do with another person at home.

The problem, however, is that a "I tolerate them but they just shouldn’t show their face, kiss in the streets and want any rights" approach will not change anything. The goal of LGBTQ+ people is not to stick out and cause a stir. They just want to live their lives with full rights and be able to, for example, marry, so that later, in the event of the death of one of the partners, they have the same legal options as those living in heterosexual relationships.

Does this mean that LGBTQ+ people cannot vote for parties like Konfederacja and PiS? Of course they can. They are free people and each of us has the right to make our choices. However, it is important that they are informed. If a gay person is aware of the proposals of the right-wing political parties like the two mentioned and still wishes to vote for them, that is their business.

I understand what Bart Staszewski was trying to point out, but insulting anyone and saying this and that person has "Stockholm syndrome" will not change anything. It just creates further divisions, of which we already have a lot. Let’s allow people to make conscious choices, let’s educate them, but let’s not insult them at the same time.

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