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J.K. Rowling insults transgender people again. Will she go to jail?

J.K. Rowling insults transgender people again. Will she go to jail?

Image source: © Facebook, canva
Oliwia Ruta,
19.10.2023 15:00

J.K. Rowling doesn’t hide her views on trans people. The writer has repeatedly made controversial statements about pronouns or the gender-affirming process. Is the popular author to face legal consequences?

A transgender person is, as Wikipedia defines them, someone whose gender identity differs from that typically associated with the sex they were assigned at birth. Trans people take steps to agree on their gender and negate feelings of dysphoria. The whole process starts with a diagnosis by a sexologist and fulfilling legal requirements. Only after that the transition process can begin with hormone treatments or sexual reassignment surgery.

J.K. Rowling made numerous statements on social media and in interviews about trans people in the past. The writer blatantly does not recognise the transgender community.

J.K Rowling prefers jail time to using correct pronouns

J.K. Rowling is a popular British author. She owes her fame to the Harry Potter series of books. The bestselling author has long held openly transphobic views. Now she revealed on social media that if the British government tightened the rules on how to appropriately refer to trans people, she would happily do jail time. The writer does not recognise gender correction or the use of pronouns in line with a person's feelings.

Rumours of the introduction of prison sentences for transphobic behaviour are about to become reality. The British government is already debating regulation for misgendering and harassment of transgender people. The maximum penalty for spreading hatred would be two years in prison. J.K. Rowling, unconcerned about the consequences, took part in the discussion. The writer published a post on X (formerly Twitter) on 17 October in which she insulted trans women.

"I’ll happily do two years if the alternative is compelled speech and forced denial of the reality and importance of sex. Bring on the court case, I say. It’ll be more fun than I’ve ever had on a red carpet," she wrote.

The writer's short yet eloquent post sparked a discussion. Internet users did not support Rowling's actions. The comments section has turned into an informative knowledge base for the "Harry Potter" author. X users are trying to make Rowling aware of what awaits her for spreading hatred online.

"Repeat after me: trans women are women," wrote one X user.

"Luckily, they don't need you to agree. Gender is not a club," added another.

"JK Rowliing is an author, not a doctor, nor a psychologist, nor a specialist in gender research, nor a scientist. Trans women are women regardless of what she chooses to post! JK Rowling is not the arbiter! Trans folks are who they say they are," summed up yet another X user.

Source: Daily Sceptic

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