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A clergyman throws a curse at “Barbie” movie. Why is he asking God to intervene?

A clergyman throws a curse at "Barbie" movie. Why is he asking God to intervene?

Image source: © YouTube, canva
Anna RusakAnna Rusak,04.07.2023 15:00

Although the new "Barbie", directed by Greta Gerwig, has not yet hit the theatres, its first opponents have already appeared. Now an American clergyman in his sermon curses the film and asks God to judge "Barbie".

There is a growing controversy surrounding the film "Barbie", directed by Greta Gerwig. Initially fans were surprised that the film would feature several characters of Ken and Barbie, and on top of that one of them would be played by a transgender actress.

There was also a recent theory about Barbie being a lesbian and thus unconfirmed rumour seems to have reached one Tennessee pastor. In one of his sermons he cursed Gerwig’s film and asked God to hold a holy judgment over "Barbie".

Pastor curses the "Barbie" movie

In the footage shared and available on Twitter, Pastor Kent Christmas can be seen cursing the movie and calling on gathered believers not to remain silent on the issue. In his opinion, there are too many LGBTQ+ themes in Gerwig's project.

According to the Pink News website, the clergyman has worked for Regeneration Nashville church for more than 50 years and currently serves as a pastor.

"I curse in the name of the Lord this new ‘Barbie’ movie that has been released full of transsexual, and transgender, and homosexuality," Christmas said before calling for God to make a "holy judgement" on the film.

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LGBTQ+ in the new "Barbie" movie

The cursing of "Barbie" by the preacher can only be compared to the burning of "Harry Potter" and Hello Kitty toys that happened in the past. The issue of the movie based on a doll is actually more absurd, however, as the "Barbie" film has not yet been released in cinemas. The premiere is scheduled for 21 July, so the pastor based his opinion only on rumours about the plot.

Yes, LGBTQ+ themes will most likely be present in the movie. Fans genuinely believe that the main character will be a lesbian or, more likely, bisexual. But does that mean we should write the film off?

I don't think so. After all nowadays we can see people from queer community in practically every production and so their onscreen presence improves. Until recently, the LGBTQ+ people haven't been shown in many projects. If they appeared at all, they were usually presented as white gay men.

Interestingly, "Barbie" has already been banned in Vietnam, but not because of the LGBTQ+ theme. What triggered the ban was the fact that a map of the South China Sea appeared onscreen with the nine-dash line, a Chinese territorial claim, marked on it.

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Source: PinkNews, PAP

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