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"I don't want to be pregnant". What do Poles think about women’s decisions?

Image source: © canva
Natalia Witulska,
07.12.2023 11:30

Poland has been facing a demographic crisis due to a low birth rate and a high number of young adults who choose not to have children. However, society seems to be accepting of this trend.

According to the latest statistics, Poland experienced the lowest birth rates in 2022 since the Second World War, with only 305,000 babies being born. It seems that people are opting to have children less frequently than before. However, it is worth noting that young adults seem more accepting of this trend.

Understanding not having children

As Rzeczpospolita reports, the decreasing number of women of childbearing age is one of the main reasons for the demographic collapse in Poland. The fertility rate in Poland, which is the statistical number of children born per woman, is also decreasing, making it one of the lowest rates in Europe. Even with the passage of time, it seems that little progress has been made in this matter.

A recent study conducted by the Allianz Foundation among young adults aged 19-39 in Poland, the UK, Germany, Greece, and Italy revealed that Polish society is the most understanding when it comes to reluctance to have children. The study showed that 86% of respondents in Poland agreed with the statement, "I understand when people are hesitant to have children these days".

"It should be emphasised that a positive answer to this question does not constitute a declaration by the respondent that he or she personally does not want to have children. Other studies show that young Poles in this age group mostly want to have offspring," said Michał Kot, director of the Pokolenia Institute set up to conduct demographic research, in an interview with Rzeczpospolita.

Michał Kot noted that Poland has one of the highest rates of childlessness in Europe, but the reasons for this differ from other countries.

"Our peculiarity is the breakdown of social ties and a high level of internal migration, which makes it difficult to find a partner. Men stay in small towns, while women leave them for big cities," he said.

Source: Rzeczpospolita

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