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Will edible insects save the world? Protein from insects in animal feed

Will edible insects save the world? Protein from insects in animal feed

Image source: © canva
Marta Grzeszczuk,
16.05.2023 14:30

The topic of insects as a source of dietary protein raises emotions not only in Poland. The same situation is in other countries where eating insects is not culturally accepted. Why is it irrational?

Along with our test of edible insects we also wrote about how harmful industrial animal husbandry is to the climate. It involves huge emissions of greenhouse gases, responsible for the climate crisis, and water pollution.

Large areas of land are being cultivated just for the production of animal feed. 77% of the world's arable land is dedicated to the production of feed, while the meat we obtain this way provides only 20% of the calories consumed. This relates to deforestation and consequently to planet's inability to regulate the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere.

Insects as a source of protein in animal feed

Protein extracted from insects may also make a good substitute for soy in animal feed, CBS TV reported. It won't solve all the problems of industrial animal husbandry but it could be a step towards reducing its harmful influence on the environment.

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As for the unhealthy excitement about possible European Union regulations concerning using insect protein in food products, then Robert Makłowicz adressed this issue in the best way in his YouTub program.

It's also worth mentioning that it is thanks to the European Union regulations that the full composition of all food products is on their label.

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