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Top 5 sports that pollute the environment

Top 5 sports that pollute the environment

Image source: © Licencjodawca
Materiały Prasowe,
30.06.2023 14:20

The least environmentally -riendly sports need maintenance of field (course, pitch)or equipment that usually damages the surrounding ecosystem.

These five sports have a significant impact on the environment.

Professional football

Unlike amateur football, professional football is a huge spectacle and needs serious investment. Big clubs try to provide footballers with ideal pitches which need non-stop maintenance and it drains out local resources. Global football events also create millions of tons of emissions due to the transportion and to the operation of stadiums and training facilities.


Golf courses certainly look beautiful as the greenery is dominant in them. However, it is known that they harm the environment. The green areas use billions of gallons of water every day and are treated with many fertilizers, pesticides and other chemicals.


Motor sports pollute the air, but only a portion of the emissions come directly from the racing events. Transportation and manufacturing facilities do have big contributions to that, too. The good news is that these sports are moving in the right direction. New electric racing cars allow gradually to take out high-emission cars.


Ski and snowboard resorts need a lot of resources for their maintenance, including continuous supplies of fuel and electricity. Especially, when artificial snow should be created. Keeping the environment in a state of winter can negatively affect wildlife.


Parachuting harms the environment because of the use of airplanes. Aircraft in parachuting competitions should take off and land a couple of times a day, therefore, they need continuous refueling.

Practice eco-friendly sports

One of the biggest advantages of practicing eco-sports is their affordability. There are plenty of places for running, cycling, swimming, climbing and football. Valuable advice to Gen Z. Go outside and practice an eco-friendly sport! You will be content!

Source: Vbox.com

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