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TikTok mom shares why she sends daughter to school in stained clothes

TikTok mom shares why she sends daughter to school in stained clothes

Image source: Ā© Getty Images, canva
Konrad SiwikKonrad Siwik,11.04.2024 16:00

A mother has caused a stir on social media by admitting she sends her daughter to kindergarten in stained clothes. The woman claims she has no time to wash all her daughter's clothes.

Marla Branyan posted a video on TikTok explaining why she sees no harm in her three-year-old daughter wearing "clean but stained clothes" to kindergarten. She believes that it is in kindergarten where her daughter's clothes get the dirtiest.

A misguided or an understanding mother?

"I send my kid to school in stained clothes, I havenā€™t got time to wash it all, and itā€™s their fault they get them dirty," says Marla in her TikTok video.

"I'm not sending my kids to any type of school, no matter what age, in their 7-day best. It's just not happening unless they are naturally less of a messy kid than my precious little three-and-a-half-year-old baby girl," she adds.

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She explains her stance by saying: "She's messy. She's living her best life and I will continue sending her in the stained clothes because I can't afford to keep replacing these pants every single week.''

According to Marla, children have a right to get dirty

Marla shared on TikTok that shopping for regular tights at discount and charity shops such as Goodwill can be difficult. She also mentioned that teachers and carers usually prefer children to wear stained clothes so they don't have to worry about them getting dirty.

Marla believes that wearing the same clothes regularly instead of buying new ones is a practical approach. It saves time and money, which can be used for other family needs. Additionally, it helps to reduce textile waste and contributes to environmental protection. As children tend to grow quickly, renewing slightly worn clothes makes more sense than spending money on new ones.

Branyan also suggests a creative way to give stained clothes a second life by tie-dying them. Her dedication to her child's exploration and play is evident in her belief that there is nothing wrong with children being dirty and messy. In fact, being in the nursery is the perfect opportunity for her daughter to explore and play.

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