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The Influencer Who Has Taught the Zero Waste Philosophy

The Influencer Who Has Taught the Zero Waste Philosophy

Image source: © Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
10.05.2024 12:00

Kathryn Kellogg is the founder of Going Zero Waste. This is a lifestyle website. She is dedicated to helping others live healthier and more sustainable lives. She is a spokesperson for National Geographic on plastic free life, Chief Sustainability Officer at One Movement and author of 101 Ways to Go Zero Waste, which breaks down green, sustainable living into an easy step-by-step process with lots of positivity and love.

Kellogg is an actress who also went to musical theater school. She worked full time until she moved to California. Theater will always be her greatest love and passion and she continues to pursue it whenever she has time. The fact that she was a broke actress and had to save every penny made her start living a healthy lifestyle.

"I didn't start doing it because I love the planet. In fact, I started practicing many of these habits out of financial necessity and for health reasons," she writes on her site.

"I had a pretty serious hormonal imbalance in college that brought a lot of pain, visits to physicians, full cystic acne, mood swings and mental health issues. So, I started reducing my exposure to endocrine disruptors that are found in many products we come into contact with on a daily basis."

One of Catherine's favorite books is Estrogeneration that explores the relationship between synthetic estrogens with our bodies and nature.

Many of the products we buy, such as plastic, cosmetics and cleaning products, are harmful, which is why she started being careful about what she brings into her home. Catherine is cutting down on plastic and starting to eat more plants. She has started to make a lot of her cleaning products herself, too.

"Making these changes combined with the replacement of single-use products with reusable ones, i.e. cloth towels instead of paper towels—saved me a lot of money," Kellogg says.

"I started my blog goingzerowaste.com because I wanted people to know that they can save money, be healthier and be greener. It seemed seamless and I wanted to help people make this transition easy and fun," shares the influencer.

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