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The early heat has dried the soil of water and could affect fruit trees. What do experts say?

The early heat has dried the soil of water and could affect fruit trees. What do experts say?

Image source: © Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
09.04.2024 16:49

We're enjoying unusually warm days for the beginning of April, and according to meteorologists, the next two weeks will feel like the start of summer.

There is an explosion of color and greenery all over Romania, but while we rejoice, the early heat has dried the soil of water. This has led to the emergence of many dangerous insects.

The strong sun has awakened nature earlier, and the streets are full of blossoming trees. However, we are going through a period of extremes. If we look back a year ago, exactly at this time, snowstorms were causing only problems.

One year later, the white of snow has been replaced by the white of cherry blossoms. In an orchard near Afumați, Ilfov County, because it's so warm, the trees are loaded to the brim with flowers.

Farmers say that based on how the orchard looks now, we will have a season full of cherries. Even the late varieties have blossomed early. The downside is that due to the heat, the soil is dry, and without an irrigation system, there is a risk that the fruits will be plentiful but small.

And the rapeseed fields in the west and south of Romania are of a spectacular yellow. The plants rushed by two weeks, especially since temperatures reached 28 degrees Celsius.

Alexander Degianski, farmer

"Last year, the entire rapeseed was at this stage of floral bud, and you didn't see much yellow in the field at this time".

Temperatures much too high for this time, when they shouldn't have been more than 18 degrees Celsius, and the mild winter have brought over Romania a wave of insects that attack both plants and people.

Aurelian Pintilescu, biologist

"This is the trend, not to have winters anymore, so nothing freezes, no pest dies, both in terms of pests for public health, mosquitoes, ticks, rodents and in terms of agriculture. It is possible to also advance the treatments for external disinfection this year".

Cristi Dumitrescu, farmer

"We spray more often, especially in the summer period because many pests have appeared from South America and other parts of the globe".

Meteorologists announce that in the next two weeks, summer will settle in several areas of the country.

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