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Summer 2023. We are wearing swimwear from regenerated nylon

Image source: © canva
Materiały Prasowe,
30.05.2023 17:47

The summer season is in full swing, and you need new swimwear but you're looking to reduce your carbon footprint and wonder if this purchase is really necessary, or if you can go by with your old swimwear for a few more years.

Fortunately, Gen Z have alternative eco-friendly options that our parents and grandparents did not have in the near past.

The solution to such a dilemma may lie in swimwear made from regenerated nylon.

Do you know that recycled nylon is much more environmentally-friendly than the primary product as it saves about 70 thousand barrels of crude oil and more than 57 thousand tons of carbon emissions, equivalent to 10 thousand tons of recycled nylon?

According to experts, in this way the impact of global warming from the production of nylon is dramatically reduced - by about 80%.

The regenerated nylon used for swimwear is an alternative of recycled nylon. The difference, however, is that regenerated nylon seeks to return the product to its original state without affecting the quality and strength of the product.

Such swimwear is made of highly durable fabric that is soft, breathable and recyclable. ECONYL is the patented technology of such a type of regenerated nylon used in swimwear, and it is about to transform the fashion industry.


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