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Krakow to pay YouTubers a fortune to promote Clean Transport Zon

Krakow to pay YouTubers a fortune to promote Clean Transport Zone

Image source: © canva
Marta Grzeszczuk,
28.08.2024 14:00

Krakow will introduce a Clean Transport Zone in July 2025. The city also plans to launch a campaign, enlisting influencers to help persuade residents to embrace this initiative.

The Clean Transport Zone (Polish: Strefa Czystego Transportu, SCT), approved by Kraków councillors in 2022, was initially scheduled to take effect citywide in 2024. Under this plan, cars and trucks registered after 1 March 2023 that failed to meet emission standards would be prohibited from entering Kraków. From July 2026, the SCT was set to apply to all vehicles, irrespective of their registration date.

Krakow wants to cooperate with YouTubers and other influencers

Following legal and formal challenges, the Clean Transport Zone (SCT) is set to finally come into effect in Krakow in July 2025. City officials are keen to win over the public and plan to invest nearly one million zlotys in an information campaign about the SCT. The campaign aims to educate residents on what the SCT entails and the impact of vehicle pollution and to counter misinformation. It will be conducted in public spaces and across social media platforms.

Maciej Piotrkowski of the Kraków Public Transport Authority (Polish: Zarząd Transportu Publicznego, ZTP) discussed the initiative with Radio Kraków, stating, "We will publish various articles on traditional websites and social media. We plan to make a film about clean transport zones and collaborate with influencers and YouTubers."

The ZTP is currently selecting partners for this campaign, with a budget exceeding PLN 800,000. Officials maintain that the investment in public health and education is invaluable.

Who won't be allowed to drive into the SCT in Krakow?

The response to Radio Kraków's coverage of the ZTP's plans was primarily negative, with many comments expressing concerns about restrictions on freedom and fears of transport exclusion. However, the SCT in Krakow will not impose severe limitations. The Euro 3 emission standards, which Krakow will require for petrol vehicles, have been in place since 2000, meaning only cars older than 25 years will be excluded from the SCT.

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In contrast, the Euro 5 standard, introduced in 2009 and required for diesel engines in Krakow, significantly reduced permissible emissions of nitrogen oxide and particulate matter. These particulates are particularly harmful to human health, increasing the risk of lung cancer, among other conditions. Some vehicles that do not meet these standards can be ‘upgraded’ by installing an additional particulate filter.

Source: radiokrakow.pl, flotex.pl

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