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Greenpeace says “no” to floating LNG terminal in Gdansk Bay

Greenpeace says "no" to floating LNG terminal in Gdansk Bay

Image source: © canva
Natalia Witulska,
09.11.2023 15:30

Greenpeace calls for people to object setting up a floating LNG terminal (FSRU) in the Gulf of Gdansk.

Greenpeace is an international NGO that works to protect the environment. It has 55 local offices in various countries and a headquarters in Amsterdam. Its activists focus mainly on issues such as climate change, deforestation, overfishing or commercial whaling.

Greenpeace against FSRU in Gdansk Bay

Greenpeace does not agree with setting up a floating LNG terminal in the Gulf of Gdansk and calls for people to object its construction during the ongoing public consultations. Its activists have created a special website where one can leave a signature under the petition. As we read on polon.pl, according to activists, the construction is planned in the Natura 2000 zone, which is a strictly protected nature area.

In addition, experts stress that gas should not be used in the energy transition. This is because it is only slightly more environmentally friendly than coal, which Poland is slowly planning to move away from.

"Public consultations are underway on the construction of an LNG terminal in the Bay of Gdansk, which will have a negative impact on the climate and on the animals living in the area. We encourage you to take part in the consultations to stop the implementation of this harmful project," reads Greenpeace Poland's post on X.

The new FSRU is to be the second LNG terminal in Poland after ƚwinoujƛcie LNG terminal. Thanks to this investment, it will be possible to process between 6 and even 12 billion cubic metres of imported liquefied natural gas. As reported by the polon.pl portal, the project is necessary due to the projected increase in the use of LNG in our country.

Source: polon.pl

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