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Copenhagen pampers tourists with free wine and ice cream. But there’s a catch

Copenhagen pampers tourists with free wine and ice cream. But there’s a catch

Image source: © canva
Marta Grzeszczuk,
10.07.2024 14:00

Denmark's capital, Copenhagen, is a popular tourist destination. The city has decided to cater to visitors who prioritise sustainability in their travel choices.

Denmark's Copenhagen is popular with tourists despite being one of Europe's most expensive cities. Its authorities have decided to help them by introducing the CopenPay program, which aims to encourage sustainability in their travel. Participating is simple: all it takes is making climate-friendly choices during your holiday in the Danish capital.

CopenPay for sustainable tourism in Copenhagen

Tourists and holidaymakers can receive discounts on popular attractions and enjoy complimentary coffee, meals, and ice cream. These rewards can be earned by picking up litter, volunteering at an urban farm, cycling instead of driving around the city and engaging in other environmentally sustainable behaviours.

Twenty-four attractions in Copenhagen, including the Copenhagen Museum, have joined a programme promoting sustainable tourism. Visitors who arrive at the museum on foot, by bike, or via public transport can enjoy a free cup of coffee with the purchase of an entrance ticket. Simply take a photo of your eco-friendly journey (so-called "green action") and show it to the reception staff upon entry to receive a same-day coffee voucher for the museum's popular café.

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GreenKayak offers free kayak rentals in exchange for helping keep the harbour clean. While paddling, simply collect any waste you see on the water and then share your experience on social media.

For those interested in free food and drinks, BaneGaarden offers an organic meal in exchange for collecting litter and helping protect Danish nature. At the National Museum, visitors can enjoy free ice cream, while Level Six Rooftop Bar and Terrace provides a free cold drink, including beer, wine, or a fizzy drink, while taking in the stunning views. The CopenPay program is available for tourists until 11 August.

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