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UW students continue to protest against Israel-Palestine war

UW students continue to protest against Israel-Palestine war

Image source: © Piotr Łapiński / Instagram
Oliwia Ruta,
29.05.2024 15:00

The students at the University of Warsaw (UW) are determined. After discussions with the chancellor, Prof. Alojzy Nowak, and other university officials, they have decided to continue their anti-war protest while awaiting further developments. A solidarity demonstration is scheduled to start at 5:30 pm on 29 May.

Since Friday, 24 May, students from Warsaw University have been occupying Autonomia Park at 69 Nowy Świat Street. They are advocating for the university to drop all contact with Israel and express their support for the citizens of Palestine. The students have presented several demands to the university chancellor, Professor Alojzy Nowak. Initially, the chancellor did not show much interest in the matter but eventually decided to engage in discussions with the strikers. The question remains whether the students' demands will be addressed.

The University of Warsaw students protest

In response to the ongoing conflict between Palestine and Israel, many people have chosen to express their opposition to the current situation. A large number of individuals are speaking out against the actions of Israel, which they view as genocide. Students from Polish universities have also joined the protest. For instance, those studying at UW have occupied Autonomia Park at 69 Nowy Świat St. since 24 May.

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The protesters are demanding that Professor Alojzy Nowak:

  • Issue a public, firm, and unequivocal condemnation of Israel's attack on Gaza and occupation of Palestine. Also, recognise the right of return for forcibly displaced Palestinians, their right to statehood, and equality.
  • End cooperation with Israeli academic institutions, organisations, and companies linked to the occupation of Palestine and the ongoing situation in Gaza. They are also calling for a national and international boycott of Israeli institutions until the occupation of Palestine ends.
  • Provide information about the extent of cooperation between UW and Israeli institutions and organisations.

Talks between the chancellor and UW students

On 28 May, the University of Warsaw’s student representatives, Prof Alojzy Nowak, and other university officials met. Negotiations regarding the protesters' demands lasted for two hours and will continue next week. Unfortunately, the chancellor is not willing to meet the demands. The protesters are remaining firm. The good news is that none of the participants or supporters of the protest will face any legal or disciplinary consequences.

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The students believe that the chancellor can no longer remain passive in the face of the situation, given the increasing escalation of violence and the Israeli authorities' open defiance of the orders of the main UN justice bodies. They have decided to continue their protest until their demands are met. A demonstration in solidarity with the protesters at the UW Main Gate is planned for May 29th at 5:30 p.m.

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