Caterpillar invasion in Poland. Beware of their urticating hairs
The state of manipulation and hypocrisy of Polish right-wing media. What does it look like? [OPINION]

The state of manipulation and hypocrisy of Polish right-wing media. What does it look like? [OPINION]

Image source: © Wikipedia, canva
Natalia Witulska,
14.06.2023 17:00

The public media in Poland has long been non-existent. Bias, praising the ruling party and scolding every move of the opposition - this is the reality of TVP. Owing to the Polish public broadcaster manipulation and hypocrisy have permanently invaded our daily lives.

When the United Right (Zjednoczona Prawica, political alliance) took power in 2015, no one expected how much the definition of public television would change. From a medium where many young journalists wanted to start their careers and where one could count on objective coverage, TVP Info became a propaganda tube. Can this station be called right-wing and no longer informative? In my opinion yes, absolutely.

Danuta Holecka, Jurek Owsiak, WOŚP and... short memory

Danuta Holecka is a long-time TVP journalist. She started her career reporting from the Senate, then hosted the morning and afternoon editions of "Wiadomości" (the chief Polish news program produced by Telewizja Polska). In 2016, viewers began to accuse Holecka of biased reporting on public television.

Danuta Holecka's hypocrisy is evident in the case of The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity (pol. WOŚP, the biggest, non-governmental, non-profit, charity organization in Poland raising money for pediatric and elderly care). The United Right is trying to convince Poles that its creator, Jurek Owsiak, is a fraud who does not help children and the elderly. Together with TVP and TVP Info, they emphasise that people should donate money not to WOŚP, but only to Caritas (Catholic relief, development and social service organization). Poles can no longer view broadcasts of WOŚP concerts on government TV, and the characteristic red hearts – the symbol of The Orchestra – are being removed from reports in post-production.

Thankfully the internet does not forget anything. When Danuta Holecka argued in "Wiadomości" that Jurek Owsiak is a liar and manipulator, viewers reminded her of a certain situation. For it turns out that the presenter, years before the United Right took power, respected and appreciated Owsiak's work.

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"My son himself used a well-equipped incubator, yours, with the heart of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity stuck onto it. And I thank you very much for that too. You have saved many lives by being able to provide a quick and good diagnosis, by being able to provide a good incubator or insulin pump. I think that must be a great satisfaction for you," Danuta Holecka told Jurek Owsiak on TVP Info before 2015.

Jacek Kurski as the best Catholic in Poland

Jacek Kurski is a Polish politician, for many years associated with Solidarna Polska, and from 2016 to 2022 the President of Telewizja Polska.

I have to admit that Jacek Kurski is quite a gag. As president of public television, he has spoken for many years about the importance of the family, and how one should live according to the Decalogue and the principles commanded by God. There would be nothing wrong with this if... he himself adhered to the maxims with which he so readily wiped his face on many occasions.

The former president of TVP was married to Monika Kurska for 24 years. The couple even lived to have three children. In 2015, they decided to separate. At that time, a rumour began to circulate in the media that Jacek Kurski was having an affair with one of the government TV journalists, Joanna Klimek. The politician denied it and more than once emphasised that he was a Catholic who respected his ex-wife.

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A few years later, however, it turned out that the rumours of an affair were true, and Jacek Kurski no longer saw this as a problem. What's more, as a good Catholic living according to the principles of the Church, who, after all, respects his ex-wife, he applied for a church annulment of his first marriage. Why? The answer is simple: he wanted to have a church wedding with his lover, because only marriages taken before God is considered true by Catholics.

Protecting life according to right-wing television

Since 2015 when the United Right took power, there has been a heated discussion on abortion in Poland. Politicians of Law and Justice (PiS) and Sovereign Poland (Suwerenna Polska, another political party) have repeatedly stressed that human life begins at conception. They have said more than once that it is necessary to care for all people, including the unborn.

This is probably why, during the many protests organized by people with disabilities, neither journalists nor politicians associated with the right wanted to talk to them. Moreover, they blocked the doors of Sejm and sent in the marshals' guards, who treated them like criminals. As you can see, for politicians every life counts but only before a person’s date of birth.

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When Poland was overwhelmed by sadness over the death of the battered Kamilek from Częstochowa, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki decided to speak out. The man who sometimes shouted from the rostrum of the Sejm that only God can take life, said that he was in favour of... the death penalty.

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Once again, it appeared that for right-wing politicians and journalists who agreed with the Prime Minister, human life only counts if it is unborn.

Magdalena Ogórek and her short memory

One of my favourite examples of hypocrisy and memory loss is Magdalena Ogórek. Polish historian, journalist, TV presenter and political activist. In 2015, she was a presidential candidate for the Democratic Left Alliance (SLD, a leftist political party).

Magdalena Ogórek won only 2.38 per cent of the votes in the election. Immediately after the results, she dissociated herself from the Polish Left. Only a year later she was employed as a journalist on TVP Info, now under the rule of the governing, right-wing party. She began to host the ridiculous programme "W tyle wizji", in which she ridiculed the opposition, including her former colleagues from SLD.

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Magdalena Ogórek's hypocrisy exceeds the greatest limits. The woman behaves as if she has never been associated with the left-wing movement. Repeatedly asked why she insults Leszek Miller, she said that she does not remember ever being close to him. I recall that it was the former Prime Minister who promoted her as the SLD's presidential candidate.

I would like to stress that there is nothing wrong with a change of views or a sudden conversion. What is, on the other hand, very wrong is to pretend to having made a name for oneself in politics, to be ungrateful and then to ridicule people with whom one worked not so long ago.

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