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Tattoos may cause infertility? A priest warns internet users

Tattoos may cause infertility? A priest warns internet users

Image source: © YouTube, canva, ks. Rafał Jarosiewicz
Jakub TyszkowskiJakub Tyszkowski,05.07.2023 13:00

Catholic priest Rafal Jarosiewicz has posted a video that could be nominated for Biological Nonsense of the Year Award. In a recording which resurfaced after several years the clergyman claims that tattoos can prevent pregnancy. Can it?

Over the years some of the clergy's bizarre speeches have made their way into the Polish internet hall of fame. These include priest Natanek's "know that something is going on" or priest Michał Woźnicki's "trash, rabble and horde". One of the "highlights" is also a clip made by priest Rafał Jarosiewicz and his take on tattoos. The video, published a few years ago, has now gained popularity again thanks to TikTok users.

Jarosiewicz is a book author, music publisher and organiser of events such as "Jesus at the Stadium" and "StadiON młodych" ("The stadium of the youth"). A few years ago the priest also recorded a film in which he spoke on the socially relevant topic of infertility. It is a problem that in Poland may affect up to 20 per cent of couples trying to have a child. However, Jarosiewicz treated the issue with approach characteristic of the Middle Ages.

Priest warns of the evil creeping in tattoos

The clergyman begins the speech by stating that tattoos affect a person's spiritual life and consequently make it difficult to get pregnant:

"There is huge havoc and confusion about tattoos. Some people say that tattoos have no impact on our lives. My experience as a priest shows that tattoos have a huge spiritual impact on a person's life. I meet people, very often they are couples who for years cannot get pregnant, cannot have children," claims Jarosiewicz.

The priest admits that when meeting couples who are trying to have children, he asks if "their bodies are not tattooed". The priest cites the experience of friar James Manjackal, for whom tattoos are a "specific gateway" and "an opening to evil".

Jarosiewicz asserts that he has fought the power of tattoos more than once and has come out of these duels victorious.

"As a priest, I wanted to bind the power of these tattoos and the effect was that many couples who for years could not have children, the first fruit of prayer I suggested was that life was conceived. [...] Don't get tattooed!" warns the clergyman.

Internet users upset by sermon on tattoos

Jarosiewicz's video made its way to TikTok, where it outraged many internet users. "Father, may I remind you that it is the 21st century already?", "Is this for real?", "Is this a form of stand-up comedy?", "Everyone is surprised, as if they expected to hear something clever". These are just some of the comments under the video featuring Jarosiewicz on TikTok.

Oh, and if anyone had any doubt, there is absolutely no scientific proof of any connection between having tattoos and having trouble getting pregnant.

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