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Silent disco in front of Polish Parliament building

Silent disco in front of Polish Parliament building. Young people to dance for a better Poland

Image source: © Wschód / Facebook
Konrad SiwikKonrad Siwik,18.07.2023 14:15

No plans for Friday 28 July? The activist community "Inicjatywa Wschód" (eng. the "East Initiative") is organising a unique event on that day. A silent disco in front of the Sejm is intended to encourage young Poles to take part in the elections and "dance off for a better Poland".

"Silent disco in front of the Sejm? That's right! The first ever silent disco in front of the Polish Parliament building – free of charge. We're dropping in at the intersection of Wiejska Street and Matejki Street, and we're going to start a revel 🕺 Big slay guaranteed!" - reads the event description.

"East Initiative" organises silent disco in front of the Sejm

Its organiser, the "East Initiative", claims that young Poles are constantly being told that politics is boring and they shouldn't be involved in it. The activists insist that thanks to such approach the ruling party can change laws concerning young people’s rights and freedoms without much hassle.

"Instead of simply standing in front of the Sejm and ripping our throats out shouting all sorts of slogans, we will dance. And soon we will dance ourselves a nicer Poland - first by voting in coming elections, and later by looking at politicians' hands and holding them accountable for the decisions they make," writes the organiser, encouraging people to take part both in the silent disco near the Sejm and in the parliamentary elections that are to be held in autumn 2023.

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The "East Initiative" points out that "this is not the first time dance will be used as a form of protest". Young people were inspired, among others, by a group of activists from the US who organised a "Dance Party" at the Jefferson Memorial in 2011 to oppose restrictions on freedom of speech, as well as the "Standing Man" performance that took place in 2013 during protests in Turkey.

"We're going to dance our way to a cooler Poland"

"Just like them, we want to use our bodies and movement to express our concern for ourselves and Poland; our security, a lower cost of living and a state that protects us, not steals from us; nature and climate, democracy and minority rights, a better today and tomorrow," - explains the "East Initiative".

The silent disco in front of the Sejm will take place on Friday 28 July at 8 p.m. This is an ideal opportunity to show the Law and Justice (pol. Prawo i Sprawiedliwość) people some real cat moves in contrast with rocking out to the rhythm of the song "Abyśmy byli jedno" while holding hands with Jarosław Kaczynski at Jasna Góra.

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