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Rising abortion rates in Poland: Are doctors overcoming fear?

Rising abortion rates in Poland: Are doctors overcoming fear?

Image source: © canva
Weronika Paliczka,
06.08.2024 13:45

A change in government entails more than just new ministers or a prime minister. According to data from the Ministry of Health, after the former opposition took power in Poland, the number of abortions performed in Poland started to rise, with the Lower Silesia province topping the ranking.

The issue of abortion in Poland continues to stir significant controversy. Pro-women organisations' representatives consistently appeal to the ruling coalition for legal changes. The problem remains the 2020 verdict by the Constitutional Court under Julia Przyłębska, which banned abortion due to severe irreversible fetal defects. This ruling has tragically resulted in the deaths of several women in Poland whom doctors were unable to assist. However, today, significant changes are evident in the approach to abortion.

The growing number of abortions in Poland

According to data from the Ministry of Health, 32 abortions were performed across Poland in 2021. Today, the number has increased significantly, with 425 abortions performed in 2023. The Federa collective summarised the changes: "This might indicate that doctors are gradually beginning to interpret the threat to the health or life of a pregnant person more broadly. It's unfortunate that a few people had to lose their lives before abortions started to be carried out, even in the extreme cases allowed by law."

Mateusz Bieżuński of the Federa Foundation for Women and Family Planning commented in an interview with Gazeta Wyborcza: "Many medical professionals in the country view the Constitutional Court verdict as barbaric and are determined to assist patients in difficult situations."

Abortion for the sake of the mother's health or life

The Health Ministry reports that two of the 425 abortions performed in 2023 were due to pregnancies resulting from criminal acts. The remaining procedures were carried out because the pregnancies threatened the life or health of the pregnant woman. Bieżuński explains: "Doctors began to use psychiatric rationale, and thanks to the actions of Federa Foundation, its legitimacy was legally confirmed. The threat to mental health fits into the statutory definition of ‘threat to health or life.’ Initially, an atmosphere of fear prevailed, but today, doctors increasingly understand that they not only can but must proceed in such cases."

A representative of Federa adds that medical professionals feel encouraged by the decisions of the Patient Ombudsman: "The Ombudsman had spoken out several times when pregnancy terminations were denied at various facilities despite the necessary documentation, and had no doubt that this was a violation of patient rights. The Ombudsman is increasingly broadening the guidelines. For example, if a hospital requires more than one document proving the legitimacy of a pregnancy termination, this too can be considered a violation of rights. The Ministry of Health and the National Health Fund also agree with this interpretation, as evidenced by the decision to fine a hospital in Pabianice for refusing to perform an abortion."

Where are the most abortions performed in Poland?

The region in Poland with the highest number of abortions in 2023 was Lower Silesia, where 161 procedures were performed. This result can be attributed to Oleśnica Hospital gynaecologist Dr Gizela Jagielska’s stance on the issue, who openly acknowledges performing abortions. In second place was the Mazovia province, where 92 pregnancies were terminated. On the other hand, Subcarpathia and Warmian-Masurian provinces had no reported abortions in 2023.

Source: Gazeta Wyborcza

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