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Poland's unemployment rate unexpectedly rises, according to ministry report

Poland's unemployment rate unexpectedly rises, according to ministry report

Image source: © canva
Weronika Paliczka,
07.08.2024 16:15

The labour market situation in Poland has shifted. According to a report by the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy, unemployment in July 2024 increased compared to the previous month. The number of registered unemployed also saw a rise.

Internet users on social media have long been reporting problems in the labour market. Sending dozens of resumes that go unopened has become a disheartening norm for job seekers. Compounding this issue is the increasing number of "bosses from hell" outdoing each other with bizarre working conditions. While there appear to be tens of thousands of job ads online, realistically, finding a good job is becoming almost miraculous.

Poland's unemployment rate was lower in June 2024

The Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy released a report on employment in July 2024, revealing an increase in the unemployment rate to 5%. While this marks a rise, it is comparable to levels last seen around 1990. The lowest unemployment rates were recorded in the Wielkopolska province at 2.9% and the Silesia province at 3.6%.

The report also indicates a decrease in employer demand for workers in July 2024. Labour offices reported 94.2 thousand job vacancies and occupational rehabilitation positions, which is 3.2 thousand higher than the previous year but slightly lower than the 95.1 thousand vacancies reported in June 2024. The construction and manufacturing-related industries currently offer the most job opportunities.

Number of registered unemployed increases

In June 2024, the number of unemployed registered in labour offices was 763.7 thousand. This figure rose to 766.4 thousand in July, marking an increase of 2.7 thousand. However, this number is still lower than in July 2023, when the registered unemployed reached 782.5 thousand.

According to Eurostat data, despite fluctuations in the labour market, Poland continues to have one of the lowest unemployment rates in the European Union.

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