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Famous prodigy from Poznan is 21 and speaks seven languages

Famous prodigy from Poznan is 21 and speaks seven languages

Image source: © Życie Uniwersyteckie / Facebook
Natalia Witulska,
05.04.2024 12:15

There is a saying in Poland that goes: "No matter what you achieve, your mother’s friend’s son did it better". Unexpectedly, this imaginary "son" turned out to be a real person.

Karol Wapniarski, a 21-year-old genius from Poznan, seems to be the person mentioned in the Polish saying. He speaks several languages, is still learning new ones, and is currently working on developing an app to help people learn foreign languages. Interestingly, it is based on a teaching method that was used in the 1980s.

In an interview with Życie Uniwersyteckie magazine, Karol Wapniarski mentioned that he is considering whether to pursue his PhD studies immediately after completing his master's degree or wait a year. He also revealed his plans to learn new languages in the future and shared how he managed to obtain his bachelor's degree in just 277 days.

Karol Wapniarski: A genius from Poznan

"He is 21 years old, speaks seven languages and is currently studying Arabic and Hebrew. He completed his bachelor's degree in 277 days (a Polish record), earning around 80 credits and passing several exams during that time. Despite taking as many as four exams a day, he managed to maintain his academic excellence and is now about to graduate from the Adam Mickiewicz University (UAM) in Poznan with a master's degree. He recently announced that he plans to raise his grade point average slightly. Up to 4.98," reads the Facebook page of Życie Uniwersyteckie.

"He has several scholarships and is currently working on a language learning startup. He considers giving himself a year to choose a PhD field because, as he says, he doesn't want to make a mistake. Sometimes they call him a genius. His name is Karol Wapniarski. He is a student at the Interdisciplinary Individual Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences at UAM," reports Uniwersyteckie on social media.

In an interview with the magazine, Karol Wapniarski revealed that he is currently studying Arabic and Hebrew and intends to learn Asian languages in the future. When asked how he managed to complete his Bachelor's degree in just 277 days, he explained that his curiosity and interest in various fields helped him excel in his studies. During the first semester, he cleared many subjects from each year of his course, and in the second semester, he enrolled in all the remaining courses that needed completion.

Karol Wapniarski’s language-learning app

In a recent radio interview with RMF FM journalist Benjamin Pilat, Karola Wapniarski expressed his desire to share his knowledge with others. He is currently working on a startup that aims to create a unique language-learning app that is different from everything currently available. Wapniarski plans to base the app on a learning method popular in textbooks during the 1980s.

"The idea is that users are given a series of basic sentences that they are more or less able to comprehend. Then the same words appear in a different context, but by understanding the meaning of the original sentences, users are able to infer the meaning of new ones. Additionally, users are presented with grammatical hints to help them decipher new sentences. This approach allows individuals to study on their own and acquire new language skills," Wapniarski explained in the interview.

The young student from Poznan has revealed that he is not fond of the current apps available on the market. As a result, he has decided to create something new using the method that helped him learn seven foreign languages. His ultimate goal is to make learning new things as easy for everyone as it was for him.

"I am sceptical about the currently available apps because they all rely on repetitive methods to get a word stuck in your head," Wapniarski concluded.

Source: uniwersyteckie.pl, rmf24.pl

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