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A student from Ukraine buys his mother a house. He earned the money playing "Minecraft"

A student from Ukraine buys his mother a house. He earned the money playing "Minecraft"

Image source: © Minecraft, PA Media
Konrad SiwikKonrad Siwik,11.06.2023 21:00

Did your parents keep telling you that playing video games can’t be productive and won’t get you money? A student from Ukraine has just proved his parents wrong. Thanks to "Minecraft", 17-year-old Maksym has earned enough to buy his mother a new house.

Maksym Gavrylenko is a Ukrainian-born student from Lomond School in the UK who has created a lucrative business while getting his education. He has also proved that it is possible to make good money playing video games.

The teenager ran a "Minecraft" server for fun with his mates from his boarding school room. He bought it in 2021 for £ 1000 (approx. 5000 PLN). In the following years, he made a number of significant improvements to it, which led to a surge in the server's popularity and attracted a huge number of players.

A lucrative offer to buy the server

Eventually advertisers came in, the value of the server grew, and Maksym was approached by a video game company with a lucrative purchase offer.

"We never imagined it would develop into a viable business opportunity, but with guidance from my brother who works in tech, and the school, I was encouraged to explore the possibilities to turn it into something bigger," Maksym told PA Media.
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Teenager buys his mum's house

Although the 17-year-old did not disclose the amount he earned, he assures that it is enough to buy his mother a new home. The woman was forced to leave her homeland as a result of the war in Ukraine.

"I am very proud that I was able to turn my passion into a profitable business and I plan on treating my mother. As a result of the war, she was forced to flee her home, leaving her homeless, so to buy her a property will make all the hours spent on this project worthwhile," explains Maksym.

Maksym's mother is currently in Portugal with her friends, but she intends to settle close to her son. However, some of his family, including his sister and grandparents, are still in war-torn Ukraine.

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