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Fear of civil unions in Poland: “A threat to family values and marriages”

Fear of civil unions in Poland: "A threat to family values and marriages"

Image source: © canva
Marta Grzeszczuk,
25.01.2024 15:45

The Centre for Life and Family Foundation is gathering signatures for a strongly-worded appeal to President Duda. What is it against civil unions?

Since January 23rd, the Centre for Life and Family Foundation (Polish: Fundacja Centrum Życia i Rodziny) has been gathering signatures for a petition to President Duda. The petition requests him to veto the civil unions bill that will soon reach his desk.

Poland is legally obligated to regularise the status of same-sex couples by December 2023, as per the European Court of Human Rights ruling. The court has declared that Poland's current inability to legalise relationships of non-heterosexual couples is a violation of the European Convention on Human Rights, which Poland has signed.

The Center for Life and Family believes that "a family, which is based on an unbreakable marriage between a man and a woman and is open to having and raising children, is the cornerstone of a well-functioning society."

Why is the Centre for Life and Family against civil unions?

"In Poland, the number of marriages has been declining for at least 15 years. The fear that legalising civil unions will sharply exacerbate this trend is definitely justified, if only on the basis of observations of trends in countries where similar laws are already in force," the petition to the President reads.

It is difficult to understand the basis on which civil unions would affect marriage rates since, as the document's authors noted, marriage rates have been declining for years despite the lack of civil union laws.

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The Centre for Life and Family also believes that: "With the decline in the number of marriages, we can also expect a further decline in the number of births, and thus a deepening of the demographic crisis, which is currently one of the most significant threats to the future of our homeland."

The diagnosis of the demographic crisis is not entirely accurate. Recent data from the Central Statistical Office in Poland shows that over 25% of children in the country are born out of wedlock. This means that getting married is not a prerequisite for having children.

The foundation's president is Pawel Ozdoba, who became nationally known in 2022. According to an article on wirtualnemedia.pl, he claimed that one of the reasons for the increasing number of divorces in Poland is the normalisation of them in "The Bold and the Beautiful" TV show.

The most liked comment under the foundation's post on X is by Koroluk, who is popular on the platform. "What is this murderous blow to marriages based on? A devout Catholic, after legalising civil unions, will abandon his wife and have an affair with a next-door neighbour?" he asked ironically.

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