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TikToker sparks controversy with non-vegan potatoes video

TikToker sparks controversy with non-vegan potatoes video

Image source: © canva
Oliwia Ruta,
02.04.2024 14:45

A TikTok user recently shared his thoughts on vegetarianism and veganism. According to him, if potatoes are cooked and then poured with fat from frying meat, they can no longer be considered a part of vegan cuisine. However, some online users disagree with his viewpoint, leading to a flurry of contradictory comments on the video.

Vegetarianism and veganism are two distinct dietary lifestyles that involve avoiding meat consumption but differ in terms of abstaining from animal products.

Followers of vegetarianism exclude meat from their diet, which includes animal products like beef, pork, poultry, fish, and seafood. There are different types of vegetarianism, depending on which animal products are still acceptable.

Vegans take it a step further and exclude all animal products from their diet, including meat, dairy products, eggs, honey, and other animal-produced foods. Veganism focuses on consuming only plant-based sources of nutrients, such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, grains, plant-based proteins (e.g., soy, seitan), plant-based milk (e.g., soy milk, almond milk), and other plant-based substitutes for animal products.

TikToker explains what non-vegan potatoes are

Filip Jędrachowicz, who goes by the username 'loczekok', is a popular TikToker from Poland. He primarily creates content related to lifestyle. Recently, on 1st April, he posted a video explaining that if potatoes are cooked and then doused with fat from meat, they can no longer be considered vegetarian or vegan. Filip shared this information in the context of the Easter holidays and the family meals that people have during this time.

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Internet users in two minds after TikToker’s video

Many internet users supported TikToker's stance: "Being a vegetarian, I don’t eat frying fat, jellybeans that contain pork gelatine, or even tomato soup based on broth", "I don't eat meat for more than three years, and still everyone is surprised I can't eat broth."

On the other hand, some people disagree with Jędrachowcz's approach: "I haven't eaten meat for three years, but what you’ve shown is not a problem for me. The meat is already bought, others will eat it; that fat on the potatoes won't change anything", "If I was faced with the choice of eating it or throwing it away, I would eat it, because there is nothing worse than throwing food away, especially if some existence has been sacrificed to prepare the meal".

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