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The end (of toilet paper) is near. The EU wants change

The end (of toilet paper) is near. The EU wants change

Image source: © canva
Jakub TyszkowskiJakub Tyszkowski,11.08.2023 10:45

The climate crisis is one of the biggest threats to our planet. The European Union came up with an idea that could help reduce the scale of the disaster. The proposed solution is unusual and might put traditional toilet paper in a museum display case.

EU officials are considering how to reduce the extent of the catastrophe that is the climate crisis which is being felt every day through, among other things, extreme weather events and unusually high temperatures. In the fight for the future of the planet, we may have to give up our old habits. More specifically, traditional toilet paper.

Toilet paper is made from fibre sourced from trees, however this may change in the future. As reported in the Spanish daily elEconomista, a new and environmentally friendly solution would be to produce toilet paper from straw. The proposal is on the European Central Bank's funding list.

Say goodbye to classic toilet paper

Why should a hygiene product used by millions of people be made from straw? The material is rapidly renewable (it is left in the fields after every harvest) and saves water. Producing toilet paper from straw requires less energy and water than traditional toilet paper.

The Spanish website predicts a future in which toilet paper production could be stopped altogether. Then it would be replaced by water and soap. Water dispensers installed in toilet bowls would be used for intimate hygiene. It is difficult to say how accurate these predictions are.

Agenda 2030 - what is it?

The straw toilet paper project is one of the Sustainable Development Goals, the United Nations' 2030 Agenda, which sets out the world's development strategy to be achieved by the third decade of the 21st century. Among other things, it stipulates the reduction of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Using straw to produce toilet paper could contribute to achieving this goal.

Sources: wiadomosci.onet.pl/g.pl

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