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Eco-dinner with friends

In an influencer manner: Eco-dinner with friends

Image source: © Canva
Materiały Prasowe,
26.05.2023 17:44

Living in harmony with nature. Yes, it is quite possible. Do not panic because this does not mean that you should completely restrain yourself from the pleasures that are so familiar to you.

Most likely, a large portion of Gen Z know that if you really desire it, it is easy to put together a wonderful dinner with friends in an environmentally-friendly way - from the decoration to the drinks, without worrying about the food waste and the carbon footprint. For those who do not know where to start from, here are some ideas.

Choose seasonal and local products

One of the most important factors in the carbon footprint from food is the distance it traveled to get to you. On the shelves we see products from Spain, Mexico, Thailand, etc. We advise you to make your greener choice by relying on local products from the neighborhood shop.

A glamorous party without plastic

Using decorations made of plastic or other synthetic materials is not the most environmentally-friendly way to make your dinner with friends. Replace them with organic materials. Re-discover dried flowers, biodegradable brocades, recycled paper confetti, beeswax or soy wax candles with essential oil scents. Do not use straws, plates, cups and utensils made of plastic.

The menu, let it be vegetarian

According to the UN, the high consumption of meat and dairy products is a major factor in climate change. It turns out that one portion of beef is responsible for almost eight kilograms of greenhouse gases. There are plenty of diverse and delicious vegan recipes on the internet for everyone.

Donate food waste to homeless people

Food waste is a huge problem. Therefore, when organizing a dinner, be careful with the amount of food to avoid excess. If there is one, offer the guests to take some of it or give it away to homeless people. The leftovers- you can also transform them into a new dish.

These are just a few ideas. You shouldn’t feel compelled to change everything at once, let it be done gradually. Enjoy the process.


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