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College Gap Year

High school graduates tend to take a year off before going to college. Advantages and disadvantages

Image source: © canva
Materiały Prasowe,
14.08.2023 17:15

More and more young Romanians are taking a year off after finishing high school. They take time for traveling, volunteering and for new experiences to help them discover which career suits them.

It is very good, but the decision comes with risks, say experts who fear that some may be tempted to give up their studies and engage in futile pursuits.

At 19, Timea used this time called Gap Year to learn German and visit universities and institutions in several European countries. She even went to Singapore for a conference where young people discussed major global issues. She is now certain that she wants to become a physicist in the future.

Timea Lorincz, high school graduate: "I didn't know exactly where to study and if what I were to study would help me in a few years. I wanted to see the world, I wanted to see other cultures, I wanted to see the people around me, other students, how they behave, how they think".

Patricia also attended a high school in Brașov and traveled throughout the country for a year. She participated in academic debates. In the end, she chose to study Public Administration in Cluj.

Patricia Poruțiu, high school graduate: "The break taught me that this is what I want to do, to get involved in community life because I like the administrative part. I think that until high school and during high school, most of the decisions that affect your life are not necessarily made by you".

Both young women were fortunate that their parents understood their desire and could support them.

Medeea Petrovan, program coordinator for young people: "Young people who took this year for volunteering, introspection and travelling, we have noticed that they have broken free from an automatism. They have not lost a year of their lives but have gained a whole life because they could pursue studies that truly represent them".

However, there is also a risk that some high school graduates may give up on education entirely after a year off, warns sociologist Romulus Oprică.

Romulus Oprică, sociologist: "If the break is after college, it is welcome and well-deserved after the academic pressure. If the gap year is after finishing high school, you may not ever start college and we see a growing trend in this regard".

In this case as well, the sociologist acknowledges that graduates who volunteered during the gap year are more likely to secure a position that matches the experience gained, compared to those who did nothing during that time.

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