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Barbara Nowak i skandaliczny wpis o osobach transpłciowych

Barbara Nowak on LGBT. Her "gender can't be changed" rant is the least harmful thing you will read

Image source: © Facebook
Maja Kozłowska,
24.07.2023 09:45

Barbara Nowak, the education superintendent of Małopolska voivodship, has once again sparked controversy with a Twitter post. The Law and Justice (pol. Prawo i Sprawiedliwość, PiS) sympathiser took aim at the LGBT community. More specifically: transgender people.

The education superintendent of Małopolska is known for her conservative views and harsh, often shocking posts on social media. Barbara Nowak regularly publishes homophobic or racist tweets, interspersed with praise directed towards the ruling party or the Minister of Education, Przemysław Czarnek.

Recently she expressed her deep regret about the protests held against the monthly funeral remembrance ceremonies of Maria and Lech Kaczyński. She also initiated a petition to ban demonstrations on Wawel Hill in Krakow. As if that wasn't enough, she was outraged by the "tardiness" of the police who did not use force to chase protesting activists away. This is quite an "interesting" approach given how criticised the brutality of the officers is now and how little public confidence the blue uniform inspires.

Barbara Nowak takes aim at the LGBT+ again

This time Barbara Nowak has shown off her complete ignorance, lack of empathy and sheer lack of knowledge. She has published a post in which she reproduces hurtful and untrue information (without distinguishing between gender and gender identity), while also abetting against the LGBT community, calling it an "ideology".

"People who have undergone surgeries to change their bodies, because gender cannot be changed, are not warned by the promoters of mutilation about the pain and health complications that last for the rest of their lives. The irreversibly destructive procedure is a source of enormous profit in the world of LGBT ideology," wrote the Malopolska chief education officer.

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The most serious problem of Nowak’s entry, however, is the attack on transgender people. She argues that people suffering from dysphoria and choosing to undergo the process of transition permanently mutilate themselves and are unaware of what they are consenting to.

In addition, she stresses that they are doing it in vain because, in her opinion, gender cannot be changed. The icing on the cake is the alleged "enormous profit" for "LGBT ideology".

At this point Barbara Nowak and Łukasz Sakowski (author of blog) can just shake hands. When it comes to spreading hypocritical and scientifically contradictory information regarding the gender correction process they go head to head.

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